Happy Popcorn Day =)))

Popcorn vendor outside ukay-ukay, Guadalupe. =)) These photos was taken last August! lol

Plain popcorn

Cheesy popcorn- LIKE

Pink Candy

I love pink candy popcorns! <3 Sweet and PINK =)) POPCORN FACT: When popped, popcorn comes in two basic shapes. Snowflake and mushroom. Snowflake is bigger and pops better too, that is the reason it is used in movie theaters and ballparks. Mushroom is used for candy confectioners, as it does not crumble. Celebration Time:
  • National Popcorn Day is celebrated on the 19th January.
  • Caramel Popcorn Day is celebrated on the 7th of April.
  • National Popcorn Poppin' Month is celebrated in October. From: buzzle.com